KTIB Holding is a qualified provider of Coring services in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation with more than nine years of experience in the most complex operating and in-place conditions. Since 2007, KTIB is the distributor of Halliburton DBS coring products.
Core Technology Laboratory (CTL) is a subsidiary of KTIB Holding, established in Russia in 2013 to provide geological and geological surveyance services. CTL uses equipment manufactured by Halliburton DBS technology and by Russian manufacturers as well.
Kazakhstan: West Zharkamys, Northern Buzachi, Chinarevskoye, Rozhkovsky
Georgia: Mirzaani, HIB
Russia: Urengoy, Beregovoe, Yu-Kirinskoye, Yu-Lunskoye, Barrier
Turkmenistan: Block 1 – the Turkmen Shelf, Baren